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How to Propagate a Scotch Moss

Scotch moss, also known as Sagina or Irish moss, is a low-growing perennial commonly used as a ground cover. It is also used to fill in cracks between landscaping stones or walkway pavers. The plant has green-yellow foliage and produces small white flowers in the summer. It only reaches 3 to 4 tall; when coupled with tiny leaves, it has a moss-like appearance. Scotch moss propagates easily through division.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand spade
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      Insert a shovel into the ground, 1 to 2 inches from the base of the plant. Gently dig under the Scotch moss until you have loosened the root system from the soil.

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      Lift the plant out of the soil, including the root system. Break the plant in half, gently teasing the roots apart. Replace 1/2 of the plant in the original hole. Fill the hole with soil and firm it with your hands.

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      Plant the second half of the plant in your desired location. The site should have well-draining soil and full to partial sun. You can divide the plants for propagation in fall or early spring.