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How to Start Raspberry Bushes From Seeds

Most raspberry bushes are not grown directly from seeds but from cuttings taken from other bushes. The reasons for this vary, but many of them simply come down to it being easier to grow raspberries from cuttings. Raspberry seeds require the use of a technique called stratification before they can be planted into the ground. Stratification is the process of simulating winter conditions a seed would find itself in prior to germination. This breaks the "dormant" state of the seed and prepares it for planting.


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      Place the seed in a small pot or planter full of good soil. Moisten the soil and store it in a cold room.

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      Keep the temperature in the cold room at approximately 37 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Moisten the soil around the seed as needed, but do not over water. Keep the seed in the cold room for about a month until the seed starts to sprout and grow.

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      Continue watering the seedling as needed until it is large enough to handle without damaging.

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      Plant the seedling in its permanent location in early spring or mid-autumn. Water and fertilize the seedling as needed and make sure to clear away any encroaching weeds to ensure the plant's health.