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How to Grow With Guano

Guano is the excrement of bats and is beneficial to several plants and vegetables when used as a fertilizer. The guano enriches the soil, raises the phosphate levels, improves its texture and drainage, and controls the growth of nematodes, or microscopic worms, that cause damage to a plant’s root system. Creating an organic tea with guano is an inexpensive way to introduce the fecal matter’s many benefits to the soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Nylons
  • 3 tablespoons kelp meal
  • Twine
  • 3 gallons water
  • Plastic bucket or tote
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    • 1

      Cut the leg from an unwanted pair of nylons. Pour 3 tablespoons bat guano and 3 tablespoons kelp meal into the nylon. Tie the nylon shut with twine.

    • 2

      Pour 3 gallons water into a plastic bucket or tote. Submerge the guano and kelp-filled nylon into the water.

    • 3

      Allow the mixture to steep for 24 hours. Remove the nylon from the bucket and place it in an outdoor trash can or compost pile.

    • 4

      Apply 4 to 5 quarts of the organic guano tea per 100 feet of soil. Allow the mixture to seep into the soil before watering.