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Orchids & Ants

Orchids, just like any other plant, are susceptible to pests and diseases. These ornamental plants can have quite a handful of pests, which include ants, to reckon with. Common household ants can attack your orchids. Preventing other pests from invading your orchids is essential to save your plants from these hungry nuisances.
  1. Common Pests of Orchids

    • Some of the common pests that attack orchids include aphids, spider mites, leaf hoppers, leaf miners, mealy bugs, mollusks, scale insects, thrips and weevils. Among these pests, ants are the most prominent. In most cases, the presence of ants in your orchid pots may also indicate the presence of aphids. Aphids attract ants because they love to eat the aphids' honeydew-like excretions. According to a team of researchers from Imperial College London, Royal Holloway University of London and the University of Reading, ants destroy the aphids' wings to keep them near their colony as sources of food.

    Why do Ants Like Orchids?

    • Like most flowering plants, orchids have nectars. The nectar provides food to insects and pests once given the chance to inhabit the orchids' blooms as hosts. Aphids tend to eat more than they can digest, which cause them to excrete often as a direct result of indigestion. Ants feed on the honeydew excrements; hence, this establishes the symbiotic relationship between ants and aphids. In most cases, they co-exist and mutually inhabit their orchid hosts. These aphids don't simply stay and linger -- they multiply, especially in warm, dry climates. In some cases, ants even herd, protect and secure breeding grounds for aphids to secure their source of food. Knowing how to prevent the outbreak of aphids can help control possible nesting grounds for these ants in orchid pots.

    Corrective Measures

    • General and complete application of organic insecticides can help eliminate ants from your orchids. Spraying tepid water or washing the infected areas with insecticidal soap will eliminate the aphids and eventually eliminate the ant infestation. Try adding ladybugs to your orchids to eliminate aphids; they are aphids' natural predators. Sugar-based bait traps will also help wipe out entire colonies of ants and aphids. However, the best way to eliminate these pests is with soil drenching or by repotting infested orchids, which is highly recommended to ensure that the orchids will not suffer from soil medium breakdown.

    Other Considerations

    • Ants do not cause much damage to the orchid itself; however, they can sting humans and assist in breeding other pests. Address indications of ant infestations as soon as possible. In most cases, it is still much more beneficial to employ preventative measures in dealing with ant infestations. Regular inspection can prevent infestation long before it starts. Start by picking up dead leaves, removing dead plants and isolating infested plants. Since ants have a way of transferring from one infected plant to another, allow ample bench room in between each potted orchid plant. Finally, spraying or applying ant killers around the perimeter of your home will prevent ants from entering your home and reaching your potted indoor orchids.