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Fruits & Berries That Can Be Grown Easily in an Apartment

Living in an apartment doesn’t mean you have to give up gardening. You can grow a variety of potted plants indoors. If traditional houseplants like Boston ferns, spider plants and peace lilies are too boring for you, consider growing edibles. With the right supplies, proper care and adequate sunlight, you can easily grow different fruits and berries in your apartment.
  1. Berries

    • Strawberries grow well in containers because they have shallow root systems. This keeps the strawberry plants from competing with each other for water. Using a strawberry pot allows you to plant six or more plants in a small area. These pots are made from clay, plastic or wood and have six or more openings for different plants. Blueberries are also suitable for indoor growing, explains Julia Govis, research consultation for the University of Chicago.

    Citrus Trees

    • With fragrant flowers and shiny leaves, citrus trees are an attractive plant to grow in an apartment. Acid types of citrus trees grow better indoors than sweet types. Mandarin orange, grapefruit, kumquat, limequat and pomegranate trees do well indoors, explains Govis. If you keep your citrus tree in your apartment year round, you will need to assist in pollination by using a cotton swab to spread pollen from flower to flower.


    • Pineapple plants are simple to grow in apartments. Although your tree won’t be able to grow large enough to produce full-size fruit, it will bear miniature pineapples. To grow your own tree, buy a regular pineapple, grasp the top leaves firmly and twist off. Trim away any pineapple flush and cut away a few leaves from the bottom to reveal the stem. Plant the pineapple top in a mixture comprising one part sand and one part potting soil. Place a ripening apple near the plant as it starts to grow to increase flowering.


    • Banana plants can grow up to 20 feet tall, but some varieties are specially bred to remain small. Banana plants are often mistakenly called trees, but they are actually very large herbs. Clusters of ripening bananas will give your apartment a tropical feel. Not only are banana plants decorative, but they also help purify the air in your apartment.