Home Garden

How to Care for a Kratom Tree

Anyone who eats the leaves of a Kratom tree, or Mitragyna Speciosa, may find several health benefits. The leaves contain alkaloids that boost the immune system while lowering blood pressure. However, these plants hail from southwest Asia, so you’ll need to recreate those tropical conditions if you want them to flourish in your home.


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      Set your household temperature to 60 degrees or warmer. At low temperatures, the plant will stop growing. Alternatively, you can set a heating lamp in a separate room to accommodate the plant’s need for a warm environment. Ensure that the room is cooler than 90 degrees, at which point the growth of the leaves will be stunted.

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      Carefully place the plant in a dimly lit room for a day. Avoid jolting the plant as you handle it.

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      Water the Kratom if the top soil feels or appears dry. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water for too long; the soil should be well-drained. Continue to water it daily.

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      Expose the plant to 30 minutes of direct sunlight. Over the course of the next week, gradually increase its light exposure to an hour. If you notice burnt or cracked leaves, the plant may be receiving too much exposure.

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      Mist the Kratom once a day, in addition to regular watering. If the leaves feel sticky, the plant is not receiving enough moisture, so begin to mist it twice a day.

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      Expose the Kratom to four or five hours of morning sunlight or 15 hours of artificial light every day after the plant has been fully acclimated.

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      Transplant the Kratom to a larger pot whenever it grows too big for its current location. Ideally, you should repot the Kratom in the spring. During the spring, its roots will recover quicker.