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How to Cut Parsley From a Plant

Parsley is a common herb which grows healthily all year long and is used for garnish as well as adding flavor to meats, soups and a variety of culinary dishes. If you have a growth of parsley and want to put it do good use, however, you must learn how to harvest it properly in order to avoid harming the plant. Even those unaccustomed to harvesting parsley will fin the process simple and quick to finish in under 10 minutes of work.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening scissors
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      Wait approximately 70 to 90 days after planting the parsley before harvesting any from the plant.

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      Grab the base of the parsley plant and lift the leaves up to expose the stems with one hand. Do this gently so that you do not accidentally pull out any stems from the plant.

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      Snip away the stems of the parsley plant nearest the outside with gardening scissors. As you need more parsley, work your way into the center of the plant from the outside first. Be sure to cut the stems as close to the base of the plant as you can.