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How to Grow Spices

Growing your own spices provides many benefits. Planting spices is a simple task. Herbs and plants create relaxation and health benefits. Spices grow indoors and outdoors and create a beautiful atmosphere. Preserving spices is rewarding and allows you to feel great about using your own spices and herbs. Using your own spices in food recipes will create richer tasting food.

Things You'll Need

  • Herb seeds
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      Decide which spices you want to grow. Certain spices will require more time to grow. Choose to grow spices that will provide you with the most benefits.

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      Research your spices and know the suitable types of soil and climate. Certain spices do not grow the same. Know what it will take to grow your spices and herbs and put forth the effort to research before you decide to grow. This will prevent a waste of time and money.

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      Herbs require a well drained environment. Try to avoid clay soils, and stick with soil that is naturally sandy. Add sand and compost to the ground to help fertilize the growing area. Herbs such as thyme, rosemary and lavender require a light soil and should be grown in pots.

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      Buy herb seeds from a local gardening store. Spices can also be bought and transferred to your garden and the herbs will naturally reproduce. Grow herbs indoors with biodegradable containers and transplant them outdoors after about five weeks. Move herbs to a larger container to keep growing them indoors.

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      Choose to grow your spices indoors or outdoors.Growing herbs outdoors gives you more space to plant, provides a better growing environment and enables you to grow a variety of spices. Watch out for pests and diseases while growing herbs outside.

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      Growing herbs indoors will brighten up your living area, create great aromas and provide easy access to care for your plants. Try growing the herbs on a window sill where there will be plenty of sunlight. All herbs can be grown indoors, but they must be used while fresh. Allow plenty of sunlight for the herbs.

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      Provide plenty of sunlight for your herbs. However, certain herbs require minimal sunlight. Herbs such as woodruff, sweet cicely and angelica flourish the best in partial shade. Pay attention to which areas in your yard tend to have the most sunlight and shade.

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      Check the drainage availability in your garden. The majority of herbs do not thrive well in moist environments. Install proper drainage to your garden for the herbs to grow well.

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      Pick a container or area to grow your spices. Create an herb garden outside that is designated solely for your spices. Mix your herbs with your plants to add color and contrast to flowers. Place spices in a container or hanging pot to decorate the patio or deck.

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      Dry and preserve your spices. Dry out herbs on racks or in a dehydrator. Spices can be preserved in the freezer until you are ready to use them. Grind spices and place them in containers for immediate use. Store your spices in an airtight container.