Home Garden

Non-Toxic Pest Control for Herbs

Herbs are used as spices, foods and medicines and are often grown at home as a viable alternative to purchasing them. Although they are easy to grow, they are also easily damaged or destroyed by insects. Because most herbs are usually ingested at some point, non-toxic insecticides are sought as a safe alternative to chemical insecticides.
  1. Insecticidal Soaps

    • Insecticidal soaps break down the protective layer and the cell membrane of the insect, according to Living With Bugs. Natural insecticidal soaps can be purchased or can be made with non-toxic liquid soap.

    Horticultural Oils

    • Horticultural oils kill pests by smothering them. They are usually made with a petroleum base, but vegetable oil can be substituted to make a natural horticultural oil.

    Diatomaceous Earth

    • Diatomaceous earth is a powder made of fossilized single-cell organisms called diatoms. It kills pests by cutting their outer protective layers and dehydrating them. Spray the herbs with water first and then dust them with the powder.

    Neem Oil

    • Neem oil comes from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), originally found in India and is available in garden and health food stores. It works by disrupting the senses of the insects and inhibiting their desire to eat.

    Essential Oils

    • Some essential oils made from herbs have insecticidal properties, reports the Wall Street Journal. Plant-based insecticides can be purchased in stores or can be made by mixing essential oils, such as mint, rosemary, thyme and clove into a spray.