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Can You Plant Leeks in the Fall?

Leeks belong to the onion family but they are said to be easier to grow than onions; leeks also have the advantage of growing practically year-round. Leeks add a subtle flavor to stews, casseroles and soups.
  1. Considerations

    • Leeks often are expensive in grocery stores. When you grow your own, you can plant a large amount of them in a relatively compact space, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

    Fall Planting

    • Recommended varieties of leeks for fall planting include Durabel, Alaska, Goliath, Siberia and Mekwina varieties, according to Oregon State University Extension Service. Leeks will tolerate a light frost, according to Ohio State University Extension.

    Fall Care

    • Leeks planted in the fall need protection during the winter to keep them from freezing. Mulch the crop with six inches of chopped dry leaves or straw.