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What Grows Best Next to Eggplants?

Companion planting is the practice of planting two plants together to benefit both. For example, planting corn around beans provides support for the climbing plants. Companion plants do not compete with each other for nutrients or moisture, so both may thrive. Eggplants, Solanum melongena, belong to the Nightshade plant family, along with tomatoes and peppers. All three grow best in rich, well-drained soil where they will receive full sunlight.
  1. Companion Vegetables

    • Both bush beans and pole beans may be planted next to eggplants. Given proper support, pole beans may be planted among rows of eggplants. The beans will climb up over the bushy foliage that eggplants produce. Peas and spinach also make good companions to eggplants, because they will not compete with the plants for nutrients or space. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants all have similar soil and temperature requirements, and may be grown close together in the same field.

    Companion Herbs

    • Fragrant plants and herbs such as garlic, tarragon and thyme may also be planted next to eggplants. Tarragon naturally enriches the flavor of vegetables grown near it, and the strong smell repels many damaging pests. Garlic, which acts as a natural fungicide in the garden because it draws sulfur from the soil, helps keep nearby eggplants disease-free.

    Pest Protection

    • Eggplant is susceptible to many types of insects that want to feed on the fruits and leaves of the plant. Pests may lower fruit production or even kill eggplants. Both marigold and catnip produce strong aromas that naturally deter many types of insects, including damaging flea beetles and ants. Using companion plants as natural pest-repellents helps gardeners avoid insect damage to their eggplants, keeping the crop healthier for consumption. Planting green beans among eggplants acts as a repellent against damaging potato beetles.


    • Do not plant apricots near eggplants, as the two plants compete for many of the same nutrients. By planting the two together, gardeners will only weaken both types of plants. Eggplants should be planted nowhere near potatoes unless you plan on purposefully risking the entire eggplant crop in favor of the potatoes. Damaging potato beetles will feed on eggplants even before they attack potato plants; a common practice among gardeners is to plant a sacrificial crop of eggplants near potatoes for the purpose of trapping the insects. If you want your eggplants to stay healthy, keep them away from the potatoes.