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How to Remove Root Knot Nematodes

Nematodes are small, round worms that infest vegetable roots to form inflamed areas called "knots." These knots obstruct the flow of nutrients and water from the roots to the stem of the plant. Plants infested with root knot nematodes are less healthy and show stunted growth. Removing these nematodes is a tough job and requires a combination of several measures depending on the degree of the infestation. Once you remove these nematodes from a site, it is important to prevent their re-entry by a stringent monitoring of the soil, transplant material and compost.


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      Dig up the roots of an infested crop. Destroy the roots completely to prevent the nematodes from staying in the soil to infest the next crop you grow in the same area. Do not compost the roots; use other methods such as drying, burning or disposing off your site. Dig out the soil in the infested area and replace with fresh, uninfected soil.

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      Treat the soil by solarization as per recommended procedures. The heat treatment of the soil during this process kills nematodes. A 30-minute exposure to a temperature of 125 degrees Fahrenheit is effective in killing nematodes. Add a large quantity of compost to the treatment site to enhance the effect of solarization. Make sure the compost you purchase is not infested with root nematodes by having a sample tested at your local agricultural extension.

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      Plant tolerant varieties of plants that do not serve as a host to root knot nematodes. Use such varieties in rotation with your regular plants or grow them as a mix-crop. Varieties such as chrysanthemum, oleander, indigo, marigold, azalea, cauliflower, strawberry, cabbage and sorghum-sudan are helpful in controlling root nematode growth.

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      Plant forage brassicas into the infested soil during autumn and keep the soil damp. This produces a gas in the soil that controls nematode growth and also prevents the germination of weed seeds.

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      Use products that contain silica or natural seaweed extracts. The silica products prevent nematode infection whereas the seaweed extracts help induce the formation of new roots to make up for the roots lost due to nematode infection.

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      Follow the avoidance technique if the site is heavily infested with nematodes. The lack of a host on which they can feed will kill the nematodes. However, make sure you keep this site free from weed growth by covering it with black plastic. During winter, till the soil and allow it to loosen to ensure the cold temperatures penetrate into the soil and kill existing nematodes.