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When Are Green Peas Ripe?

Green peas grow well during the cool spring or fall months. They are one of the first crops you can plant in spring and one of the last you can harvest in fall. The pods reach maturity quickly, allowing you to plant multiple crops if your area has a long growing season. Harvesting peas at the correct time depends on the type of pea and whether you wish to store them.
  1. Growth Period

    • Peas fall into two maturity categories. Early peas are ready for harvest within two months of germination. The early maturity date makes these peas a suitable choice for areas with short springs, since the peas stop producing once the weather begins to warm in late spring and early summer. The main season varieties take up to 70 days to begin producing mature peas. Grow these in areas with longer spring growing seasons or as a fall crop.

    Fresh Peas

    • Harvest fresh peas continuously once the plants begin producing mature pods. The peas continue to flower and produce new pods until the plants die due to summer heat or winter freezing. The peas are ready to pick when the pods reach their full size and the peas inside are round and plump. Harvest fresh green peas before the pods begin to dry or discolor. The pods must remain tender and green at harvest, otherwise the peas inside dry and become hard.

    Dry Peas

    • Green peas also work well as dried peas. Although dried peas store well in the pantry, they are only suitable for cooked dishes, such as stews or soups. Leave the pea pods on the plants until they become yellow and dry. Only harvest after the peas inside feel hard. Pull up the entire plant and allow the pods to finish drying on the plant for a week. Shell the peas and spread them out to dry for an additional week before storing them. It takes two to four weeks for the pods to dry completely on the plant, compared to fresh peas.

    Edible Pod Peas

    • The edible pod peas include snow and sugar snap varieties. Grow these types for their green, tender pods instead of the peas inside. Harvest snow peas when the pods reach their full length but before the peas begin swelling inside the pod, usually within five to eight days of flowering. Sugar snaps are ready for harvest once the peas begin to swell inside the pod but while the pods are still green and tender. Most edible pod varieties require the same growing period as fresh pea varieties to reach maturity.