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How to Harvest Artichokes

The edible part of the artichoke plant is the flower bud that grows at the end of a woody branch. This savory vegetable grows as a perennial in many areas, notably California, and sometimes offers two harvests in a single season. If you harvest a lot of artichokes, consider freezing them for future use. Pick your artichokes at just the right time for optimum flavor.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears
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      Artichokes starts that are set out in the garden in late spring will offer buds that are ready to be harvested in mid-summer.

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      Look for buds that are full, with leaves that are still compact and tight against the bud.

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      Squeeze the artichoke lightly. It should give a little squeak if it is ready.

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      Cut the artichoke stem with the garden shears about 3 inches away from the base of the artichoke bud.