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Growing Potatoes Under Black Plastic

Potato plants need good soil, warm temperatures, and the right amount of moisture to produce an abundant crop. Black plastic helps warm the soil in the spring, allowing you to plant sooner. The plastic also helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents weed growth, so the potatoes don't have to compete for nutrients. However, plastic prevents water penetration from overhead irrigation and rain, so it's vital to have an irrigation plan before you sow the potatoes.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • 16-16-8 fertilizer
  • Drip irrigation hoses
  • Black plastic mulch
  • Rocks
  • Potato seed pieces
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      Amend the soil in a full-sun garden bed. Incorporate a 2-inch layer of compost and 1 1/2 pounds of 16-16-8 fertilizer into the top 6 inches of every 100 square feet of potato bed.

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      Plant the potato seed pieces 4 inches deep in rows spaced 2 to 3 feet apart. Set the pieces 10 inches apart in the row, with the eyes or buds facing up.

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      Lay a drip irrigation hose along the side of each potato row. Lay the black plastic over the top of the soil and hoses. Anchor the sides of the plastic with rocks or a soil mound. Cut holes through the plastic for each seed piece.

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      Water the potato bed thoroughly with the drip hoses so the soil is moist but not soggy. Overly soggy soil can cause the seed pieces to rot, but they will not sprout in completely dry soil.

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      Water the potatoes via the drip hoses weekly. Provide approximately 1 inch of moisture.