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Darwin Hybrid Tulip Varieties

Darwin Hybrid tulips are the tallest of the tulips, with 30- to 36-inch flower stems. These mid-season beauties have single, egg-shaped flowers that work well as cut flowers. Unlike many tulips, the Darwin Hybrids often last for several years in the home landscape, particularly in spots with sufficient drainage. Most Darwin Hybrids are shades of red, orange or yellow, and bi-colors are common.
  1. Red

    • "Apeldoorn" is an older, tried-and-true variety of Darwin Hybrid tulip. The flowers are bright orange-red, with a flush of orange along the edges and a purple-black base. "Apeldoorn Elite" is also bright orange-red, but with wider yellow edges. The flowers on the variety "Parade" are dark red; the inside of the flowers have a black splotch with a yellow edge where the petals meet the stem. Another commonly available red variety is "Red Impression," a clear red with a dark splotch on the inside. Other red varieties include "Holland's Glory," "Oxford" and "Spring Song."


    • "Juliet" is a golden-yellow Darwin Hybrid tulip with streaks of red, similar to "Olympic Flame," which has more red in the flowers than does "Juliet." Other yellow Darwin Hybrids include "Golden Apeldoorn," clear yellow with a dark internal splotch, and "President Kennedy," bright yellow with an orange flush on the outside of the petals. Other yellow Darwin Hybrids are "Yellow Dover," "Beauty of Apeldoorn" and "Jewel of Spring."


    • Clear orange petals with slightly darker veining on the outside helped win "Orange Sun," also known as "Oranjezon," a Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit. Other orange Darwin Hybrids include "Daydream," an orange-and-yellow bi-color, and "Gudoshnik," with pale peach petals flushed rose-pink. "Elizabeth Arden" and "General De Wet" are other orange Darwin Hybrids.


    • White Darwin Hybrids are unusual, but one notable example is "Ivory Floradale." It has ivory-white petals that open to reveal a light yellow tint inside. "Ivory Floradale" is another RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.


    • One of the most eye-catching of the Darwin Hybrids is "Ollioules," with rosy-pink petals with cream margins. The inside of the flowers is entirely cream. The variety "Pink Impression" is a strong, clear pink that resists fading. "Big Chief" is another pink Darwin Hybrid tulip.