Home Garden

Supersteak Tomato Spacing Size

Lycopersicon esculentum "Supersteak" is a tomato hybrid developed and patented by the Burpee Co. Supersteak plants produce bright red tomatoes that weigh up to 2 pounds each and feature an extra-meaty taste. The hybrid is also known for its resistance to nematode roundworms and fungal diseases such as Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt. Healthy air circulation is essential to the successful cultivation of beefsteak tomatoes. Proper plant spacing helps ensure the plants receive the fresh air they need.
  1. Site Selection

    • Burpee supersteak tomato plants grow best and produce the most flavorful fruit when cultivated in full sun sites with an average of six hours of direct daily sunlight. Soil drainage is another crucial factor to consider when selecting a planting location for supersteak tomatoes. Tomato plants require well-draining soil for healthy development. Soil that's slow to drain or prone to flooding breeds conditions that allow fungal diseases to thrive. Avoid planting supersteak tomatoes in sites where Solanaceae family plants such as eggplant, potatoes or other tomatoes have grown within the past two years.

    Site Preparation

    • Even seemingly ideal sites can benefit from a little improvement before planting. Careful site preparation helps ensure the long-term health of your supersteak tomato plants. Clear away existing vegetation to eliminate competition for moisture and nutrients and make the soil easier to work. Supersteak tomatoes prefer rich, fertile soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. Work equal parts of peat moss, leaf mold, well-rotted manure and perlite into the soil to a depth of 8 inches to improve fertility and aeration.

    Spacing and Planting

    • Supersteak tomato plants grow to 40 inches tall and 18 inches wide. When planting multiple supersteak plants, the space between plants must provide adequate room for healthy growth and development. Burpee recommends planting supersteak tomatoes 18 to 20 inches apart in rows spaced 3 to 4 feet apart to allow for proper air circulation and sunlight penetration. Planting supersteak seedlings or plants up to the first leaf branches encourages the formation of strong root systems.


    • Due in part to their simple cultivation requirements, tomatoes are the most popular home garden crop in the United States, according to the University of Illinois Extension. Burpee's supersteak tomatoes appreciate a minimum of 1 inch of irrigation each week while the plants are actively growing. Provide supplemental irrigation during weeks with inadequate rainfall. Fertilize supersteak tomato plants with a half-strength solution of balanced, water-soluble garden fertilizer every two weeks from early spring through summer.