Home Garden

The Best-Tasting Tomatoes to Eat Right off the Vine

Few things top the sense of satisfaction you get from picking and eating your own, home-grown vegetables. One of the special joys of growing tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) is being able to pick a ripe tomato and eat it immediately, while you're still in the garden. Although no variety of tomato can be called the "best" for fresh eating, many cultivars are at the top of the list of plants with great-tasting fruits. Tomato plants grow as annuals in all U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones.
  1. Red Tomatoes

    • Although the great majority of tomato varieties produce red fruit, not all are equal in flavor. The heirloom variety called "Brandywine" produces an extra-sweet, flavor-packed tomato. A member of a group called potato-leaf plants because their leaves resemble those of potato plants, this variety takes about 80 to 100 days to produce pinkish-red tomatoes that weigh 1 or 2 pounds each. Among hybrid varieties, "Better Boy" is extra resistant to disease and produces 1-pound, strongly flavored red tomatoes in about 70 days.

    Yellow and Orange

    • Many hybrid tomato varieties and a few heirlooms have yellow or orange fruits that are highly flavorful right off the plant. Among the hybrid plants, a variety called "Sunny Boy" has 1-pound tomatoes that belong to a large-fruited type called beefsteak. Its fruits are extra-juicy and highly flavored, and take about 75 days to ripen after spring planting. An heirloom variety and relative of the "Brandywine" cultivar called "Yellow Brandywine" has yellow-orange tomatoes that ripen in late summer and have intense sweetness, with flesh that has a smooth consistency similar to a nectarine.

    Unusual Colors

    • Some tomato varieties produce odd-colored but highly flavorful tomatoes. These include "Cherokee Purple," an heirloom plant with fruits that are purple-black on the outside and have greenish flesh shaded in red-to-purple. These tomatoes have a sweet flavor with a hint of red wine and an acidic bite. "White Wonder" and "White Queen" are unusual, white tomatoes with pinkish-white flesh. Both produce fruits low in acid and sweet, with "White Queen" a bit richer-tasting. Highly flavored tomatoes that stay green when ripe include "Aunt Ruby's German Green," a plant that has large, beefsteak-type tomatoes with strong, rich flavor. Tomatoes on this plant don't change color when ripe, but soften slightly when ready for picking.

    Bicolor Tomatoes

    • Some tomatoes with excellent flavor that are great eaten directly from the plant are bicolor, with two or more colors. A hybrid called "Tye-Dye" is one example with highly flavored fruits that have red and gold streaks both in their skin and flesh. This plant has smaller, 7-ounce fruits, takes about 78 days to produce ripe tomatoes and generally starts bearing in mid-summer. The heirloom variety called "Striped German" is an example of a plant that produces exceptionally sweet and large, beefsteak-type fruits with mixed colors. Its tomatoes have strong veins of red that resemble stripes in orange-yellow flesh.