Home Garden

Plant Size of Super Sweet 100 & Sun Gold Tomatoes

Tomatoes are relatively easy to grow because they perform equally well in garden beds and planters or pots. There are many different varieties available, from large beefsteak tomatoes to tiny cherry tomatoes, so you are sure to find a variety that meets your needs. Cherry tomatoes, such as Super Sweet 100 and Sun Gold, tend to grow on smaller plants and, therefore, make great additions to small yards or container gardens.

  1. Super Sweet 100

    • Super Sweet 100 hybrid cherry tomato plants produce small, cherry-sized, bright red tomatoes with a sweet, sugary flavor. It takes 70 days for the Super Sweet 100 to reach maturity and produce ripe tomatoes ready for harvest. The plants typically grow to 4 to 5 feet in height with long tomato-bearing tendrils that spread to a reach of about 18 inches; however, many home gardeners report their plants reaching heights in excess of 7 feet. For best performance and yield, stake the vines or allow the tomato plant to grow and climb along a fence.

    Sun Gold

    • Sun Gold hybrid tomato plants produce cherry-sized tomatoes recognized by their yellow-gold color and sweet-tart flavor. They grow in large clusters on the tomato vine and become flavorful before they ripen fully, allowing you to enjoy them a up to a week early. Sun Golds typically grow to be 4 to 5 feet tall with an 18-inch spread. They perform best if you stake them, and you can even train them to grow along trellises or deck railings, if desired.

    Growing Conditions

    • Start both Super Sweet 100s and Sun Golds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before you plan to transplant them outside. Plant their seeds in small, individual starter containers, 1/4 inch deep in a seed-starting formula. When they are 2 to 3 inches tall, transplant them outside. Plants grown in open garden spaces will often reach greater heights than potted tomato plants. Super Sweet 100s and Sun Golds need at least 6 hours of full sunlight daily and regular watering. Both plants will slow or stop producing flowers and tomatoes in temperatures below 50 or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • Harvest Super Sweet 100 tomatoes when they are completely ripe and firm with a deep red coloration. Toward the end of the growing season, pick all remaining tomatoes before the first frost and allow them to finish ripening inside brown bags or spread in newspaper. For best results, harvest Sun Gold tomatoes when they are a uniform yellow-gold color and are firm to the touch, though you can harvest Sun Golds a few days early, as their flavor matures faster than with other varieties. You must pick all tomatoes before the first frost to prevent damage from freezing.