Home Garden

How to Grow Exotic Sunflowers

Sunflowers are beautiful wildflowers commonly seen alongside roads in the midwestern United States. Historically, they have grown wild throughout North America. Sunflowers are grown and harvested today for commercial consumption as oil and seed. They are also favored by many gardeners who want to attract birds and butterflies to their gardens. Most sunflowers are bright yellow with brown or black centers and vary in size and height. Exotic sunflowers are purple, red or a combination of purple, red, orange and yellow. These beautiful flowers can be easily grown from seed.

Things You'll Need

  • Exotic sunflower seeds
  • Shovel
  • Composted manure, granular fertilizer, soil
  • Mesh netting
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      Contact your local county extension office or nursery and ask for the names of exotic sunflower varieties that flourish in your area. Locate and purchase seeds online or from nurseries to grow these sunflowers in your home garden.

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      Select a spot in your garden that receives full sun at least 6 to 8 hours each day. Dig a hole or trench that is 2 to 3 feet deep in the area where you want to grow sunflowers. Fill that hole or trench with rich soil, granular fertilizer and composted manure. Turn the soil, mixing it thoroughly.

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      Water the soil. Dig small holes about 1/2-inch deep in the worked soil that are spaced 4 inches apart. Place 2 to 3 sunflower seeds into each hole. Cover each hole with soil and pat it down gently. Plant sunflower seeds in rows of 10 to 12 holes each. Space rows 2 feet apart.

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      Drape mesh netting over the rows to protect seedlings from birds as they emerge. Water every 2 or 3 days. Feed growing exotic sunflowers with a water-soluble fertilizer once a week. Watch as the sunflowers grow and mature, producing beautiful flower heads that attract birds and butterflies.