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How to Grow the Sunflower Seed Plant

Sunflower seeds come from the center of sunflowers. This plant is popular for its attractive large yellow flowers and seeds that humans, birds and other animals enjoy eating. Sunflowers grow in a variety of environments and require relatively little care. As their name suggests, sunflowers grow best with lots of sunlight and they grow best during spring or summer in most areas.

Things You'll Need

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Soil nutrient testing kit
  • Garden space
  • Tiller
  • Nitrogen-rich fertilizer
  • Shovel
  • Water


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      Choose a planting time based on the geographical location of the sunflower garden. Although sunflowers are tolerant of a wide variety of climates and temperatures, Purdue University recommends planting them between May 1 and 20 in the northern U.S. and Canada and during mid-March through April in Southern states to achieve the best growth. Do not plant sunflowers too early, because a frost can damage them.

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      Choose an area that gets plenty of sunlight and prepare the soil with nutrients for planting. Purdue University explains that sunflowers can grow in many types of soils (even sands and clays) and do not need as many nutrients as most crops. However, they will grow better and produce more seeds if the soil has some nutrients. Use an at-home testing kit or have a local nursery or university test the soil's nutrient levels. According to the University of Missouri, the nutrient sunflowers need most to grow is nitrogen. If the soil contains low nitrogen levels, till in some high-nitrogen fertilizer with a nitrogen ratio of 10-10-10 or greater.

      Skip this step when growing sunflowers for bouquets rather than seeds. The National Gardening Association recommends skipping the fertilizer when growing sunflowers for bouquets, because fertilizer makes the flowers too big to easily fit into bouquets.

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      Make sure the soil is damp before planting the seeds. Purdue University recommends planting sunflower seeds in moist soil.

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      Plant sunflower seeds 1 to 3 1/2 inches beneath the soil. Plant them at a shallower depth in dense clay or silt soils and at a deeper depth in loamy or sandy soils. Space rows of the seeds 2 to 3 feet apart.

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      Water the sunflowers regularly with about 1 inch of water per week. The plants may require more water in especially warm areas. Keep the soil damp but not overly saturated and water at the base of the plant, rather than spraying leaves and flowers with water.

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      Weed the sunflower garden regularly. According to Purdue University, weeds steal nutrients and water from the soil, reducing sunflower growth.