Home Garden

Rosemary as a House Plant

Rosemary has many uses in the kitchen and around the home, and grows well in containers when properly cared for. Growing the herb indoors is simple and convenient, as rosemary requires little care.
  1. Benefits

    • Growing rosemary as a houseplant prevents the herb from going dormant over the winter months. Indoor plants offer the home chef a constant supply of fresh rosemary for cooking and are aromatic, providing a subtle scent throughout the room.


    • Choose a container that will fit on a window ledge and place the plant in a well-lit window. It is best to choose a window that receives a high amount of natural light; however, rosemary will grow without direct sunlight. You can place large plants on a table or floor near the window. Watch the plant carefully for signs of leaf browning, as this may indicate that the plant is not getting enough light.


    • Water the rosemary plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Give the plant just enough water to moisten the soil. Be aware that overwatering or excess moisture may cause mildew or fungus to grow on the container and plant stems. Rotate the plant weekly to encourage even growing, as plants tend to grow toward the light.