Home Garden

Can You Grow Ranunculus in a Pot?

Ranunculus is a spring-flowering bulb that is part of the buttercup family, which also includes clematis, delphinium and anemone. The Persian ranunculus, also called Persian buttercup, is the most popular variety for home gardens. Ranunculuses are perennials, but they are grown as tender perennials or annuals in some areas.
  1. Appearance

    • Ranunculuses grow 2 to 24 inches high and produce brightly colored flowers that have several layers of delicate petals. Each flower stalk produces one to four blossoms that measure three to six inches in size. Ranunculuses may be white, red, orange, yellow, pink, gold, salmon or other colors. They make beautiful, long-lasting cut flowers.

    Growing in Containers

    • Plant one or two large ranunculus tubers in a 10-inch pot. Soak tubers in water for at least an hour before planting to help them absorb water more effectively. If you don't soak the tubers, water the containers thoroughly after planting. After planting, water only if the soil becomes dry. Place containers in an area that receives full sunlight and cool temperatures. If desired, you can transplant ranunculuses started in pots to a garden.

    Growing in Gardens

    • Plant ranunculuses in October or November. Add soil amendments to improve the drainage of your soil, if necessary, before planting ranunculuses in a garden. Soak tubers in water before planting, and place them 1 to 2 inches deep in soil, fingers pointing down. Place large tubes a foot apart and small tubers four inches apart. Planting tubers in flats and then transplanting them into your garden may help protect the tubers from birds.


    • Ranunculuses require full sunlight and well-drained soil. Lack of light or proper drainage may cause rotting. Plucking dead flowers encourages ranunculuses to produce more flowers, and they need soluble plant food every two weeks. When ranunculuses stop flowering, let the foliage die back naturally. If ranunculuses are hardy in your area, leave them in the soil. If not, dig up ranunculus bulbs after the foliage turns yellow and keep them in a cool, dry place until temperatures allow you to plant them. You can alternately grow ranunculuses as annuals.