Home Garden

Do You Need Light to Grow Mushrooms?

Light is not required to grow mushrooms, since they do not utilize energy from the sun for any of their growing stages. Dark areas such as caves provide temperature controlled environments in which mushrooms thrive.
  1. Characteristics

    • Mushrooms do not produce chlorophyll and therefore cannot convert sunlight to carbohydrates and sugars essential for plants to grow. A mushroom is not a plant, it is a fungi and requires decaying organic material in which to grow.


    • Cool and dark environments such as caves or basements offer ideal conditions where temperatures are easily controlled and high humidity can be maintained. Sunlight will heat cause fluctuations in temperature throughout the day and mushrooms favor constant temperatures in the 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit range. Humidity levels are optimal at 80 percent and higher.


    • Storing mushrooms in a dark refrigerator in a brown paper bag will retain their freshness for a few days. Light will cause other organisms to grow such as bacteria, which can cause mushrooms to decay.