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How to Extract Oil From a Peppermint Plant

Peppermint is easy to grow and the potent oil from the plant has many uses, including cooking and aromatherapy. While extracting oils from a plant can seem like a heavy scientific process, in reality, extracting oil from your peppermint plants requires little specialized equipment, just some patience. Once the oil is extracted it can be stored with a carrier oil to create the base oil for other projects.

Things You'll Need

  • Vodka
  • Sealable fruit jar
  • Freezer
  • Freezer proof container
  • Dark glass storage bottles


    • 1

      Wash the peppermint leaves well and pat dry with a towel. Discard any bruised or wilted leaves.

    • 2

      Pack the leaves into a sealable fruit or canning jar. The leaves can be packed as tightly as you wish.

    • 3

      Pour vodka over the leaves until the jar is full and seal the jar tightly.

    • 4

      Place the jar in a warm area for two weeks to two months, allowing the peppermint leaves to steep in the vodka.

    • 5

      Strain off the liquid through cheesecloth and place in a freezer-proof container, then freeze. The oil will separate from the vodka liquid, allowing you to remove it neatly. Store in a dark bottle away from sunlight.