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How to Grow Jasmine in the Basement

If jasmine plants receive enough light and air, they will thrive in any situation. Jasmine plants can produce white or yellow flowers all year long, even when they're grown indoors in a basement. Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) is a low-maintenance container plant, but maintenance has to be constant. Only with continual care will jasmine plants thrive in an indoor location and continue to produce beautiful flowers throughout the year.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Bark
  • Moss
  • 10-inch hanging basket
  • Ceiling hook or eye bolt
  • Balanced fertilizer
  • Lamps
  • White fluorescent bulbs
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      Locate the sunniest window of the basement. If you have several options, choose a south-facing wall that will offer healthy light for the plant in summer.

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      Fill a hanging basket with a mixture of 1 part potting soil, 1 part bark and 1 part moss. Use a 10-inch or larger metal and plastic basket with a drip tray.

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      Plant the jasmine in the center of the basket, and hang the basket from the basement ceiling using a ceiling hook or eye bolt.

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      Adjust the length of the basket as needed so the light from the window falls on the plant. Jasmines need five to six hours of direct sunlight a day in the summer.

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      Place lamps with cool, white fluorescent bulbs 1 to 2 feet away from jasmine plants in basements that do not provide enough natural light. Plants that are lit with artificial light need 14 to 16 hours of light a day.

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      Water the soil every time it becomes dry. Empty the drip tray as needed when it fills up with moisture.

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      Apply ½ cup of well-balanced fertilizer once a month to keep the plant growing.

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      Water the plant sparingly during the winter, moistening only the top inch of soil when it becomes dry to the touch.