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What Is the Most Drought Resistant Grass in Utah?

Drought resistant grasses require less irrigation and can better tolerate periods of low rainfall. The Utah State University Extension recommends a number of grasses well adapted to growing in the state and lists their characteristics, including drought tolerance.

  1. Identification

    • Among all the turf grasses well adapted for Utah, tall fescue is the best, according to the Utah State University Extension. The University of California Extension also lists tall fescue as a grass with excellent tolerance for drought.


    • Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is coarse textured with a medium to dark green color. The cool-season grass has a bunching growth and is preferred for its low maintenance. The grass has good resistance to weeds and few pest issues. Tall fescue retains its color throughout the year in regions with mild winters.

    Cultural Conditions

    • Tall fescue does well in sunny and partially shaded sites, and has a deep root system. It is tolerant of heat stress and keeps a good appearance even with infrequent mowing. The grass does not perform well at high altitudes.