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In What Zones Does Pink Jasmine Grow?

While some flowering plants, such as ground covers and small flowering shrubs, enhance areas of soil around sidewalks, patios and foundations, flowering vines provide a vertical appeal to the landscape. Pink jasmine is an evergreen vine for warm climates that produces pink buds that bloom into fragrant, white flowers in late winter.
  1. Pink Jasmine

    • Jasminum polyanthum is the scientific name for pink jasmine. This fast-growing vine is native to China and grows naturally in many warm areas of the world. Gardeners in New Zealand and Australia consider it a weed, due to the aggressive characteristics. Pink jasmine spreads by producing stem fragments where the leaf nodes touch the ground. While this is an aggressive vine, it is unable to withstand hard frosts.

    Climate Zones

    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture supplies a plant hardiness zone map that defines the climates and growing seasons for specific areas according to the average annual temperatures. The lowest numbers indicate zones that experience the coldest temperatures, while the highest numbers reveal warmer locations. Pink jasmine grows in zones 8b to 10, making it a semi-tropical plant that prefers warm climates, but can tolerate mild frosts. Areas along the southern United States, including Florida, Texas and California, provide suitable climates for growing pink jasmine.

    Winter Protection

    • Although pink jasmine can withstand light frosts, proper winter protection can guard against unexpected cold snaps and prolonged freezes. In areas near the lower end of the preferred climate zone range, a layer of straw or other vegetative mulch over the roots can help hold in the heat. Removing the mulch as soon as the ground begins to warm will reduce the possibility of mildew during the warmth of spring and summer.


    • In addition to winter protection in cooler climates, pink jasmine requires regular care to keep it looking as nice as possible. Annual pruning helps to keep this aggressive vine contained and helps to remove old, dead growth. Pink jasmine prefers loose, well-drained soil with even moisture. Fertilizing pink jasmine every few weeks during the blossoming period will help provide the necessary nutrients for abundant blossoming. Removing faded blossoms enhances the appearance of this plant.