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How to Propagate a Fuchsia Plant

Fuchsias are flowering shrubs from the evening primrose family grown for their delicate blooms in a range of colors. The plants are evergreen or deciduous and thrive best in regions near the coast, preferring areas of partial to heavy shade. There are nearly 100 different species of fuchsia with about 2,000 hybrids. The plants are popularly grown as potted houseplants. You can easily propagate new fuchsia plants with softwood cuttings.

Things You'll Need

  • Cuttings
  • Sharp scissors
  • Rooting medium
  • Plastic cut
  • Pencil
  • Small pot
  • Vermiculite
  • Potting soil
  • Large plastic bag
  • Rubber band
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    • 1

      Fill a small pot with a moist, well-draining rooting medium that also provides support to your cuttings. Good choices include vermiculite, coarse sand or perlite. Pour 1 inch of rooting medium into a plastic pot.

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      Cut 4-to-6-inch sections of softwood stems, measuring from the stem tips. Softwood cuttings are the current year's growth that is flexible but snaps when bent very sharply. Recommended time to take cuttings is between late May and early July.

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      Remove all leaves from the lower half of the stem. Remove any flowers on the stem. Trim the base of stem right below the lowermost node or the little bump from where leaves grow.

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      Dip the stem base into the rooting medium. Tap off excess. Insert a pencil into potting medium to create a planting hole. Plant the cutting 2 inches deep into the hole. Pat and firm the soil around the cutting.

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      Water the fuschia cutting well and cover it with a clear plastic bag. Close top with a rubber band to create a greenhouse effect. Place in a bright light out of direct sunlight.

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      Open the bag every three to four days and water enough to keep soil moist. Cuttings generally root in six to eight weeks.

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      Transplant rooted cuttings into individual pots filled with a well-drained potting soil. Let the plant grow in a pot or transfer to a permanent spot in the garden after a few months.