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How to Keep Fresh Basil in the Kitchen

Fresh basil provides a strong, aromatic flavor to your cooking. The herb complements tomato-based dishes especially well, including both cooked and fresh foods. The oil naturally present in the basil leaves provides most of the herb's flavor. Leafy basil, however, has a short storage life when kept as a fresh herb in the kitchen. The longer you store basil, the more the herb loses its flavorful oils. Proper storage extends its shelf life so you can enjoy the fresh flavor for as long as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • Shears
  • Glass
  • Plastic bag
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      Purchase or harvest fresh basil at its peak. Select firm stems with full foliage that shows no signs of wilt. Sniff the herb before purchasing or picking, and only choose those that have a strong, pleasant aroma. Basil at its peak stores better and retains its flavor longer.

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      Hold a bundle of basil stems together, with the leaves all at one end. Rinse the herbs under a light trickle of cool water.

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      Shake the excess moisture from the foliage. Lay the bunch on top of a paper towel. Pat the top of the bunch dry gently with a second paper towel.

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      Fill a small glass with two inches of water. Using kitchen shears, cut the bottom of the basil stems at a 45 degree angle and stand them up in the glass of water.

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      Place a clear plastic bag over the top of the herbs and glass so that it loosely covers the basil but still allows for some air circulation. Set the glass inside your refrigerator. Use the fresh basil within seven days.