Home Garden

How to Grow Basil in a Terrarium

Basil is a commonly grown herb that is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. As with other herbs, basil needs full sun. However, basil also grows well in humid climates and needs adequate moisture for the soil around its roots. This means basil will grow indoors in a plant terrarium as long as it gets enough supplemental lighting. Growing basil indoors means you can have fresh basil all year long, no matter what the season.

Things You'll Need

  • 4-inch pots
  • Potting soil
  • Terrarium
  • Fluorescent light fixture
  • 2 plant growing fluorescent lights
  • 2 cool white fluorescent lights
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    • 1

      Fill 4-inch pots with potting soil up to about one-half inch from the top of the pot. Moisten the soil until it’s damp but not soaking.

    • 2

      Press basil seeds into the soil, about five seeds per pot. Cover the seeds with one-quarter inch of soil.

    • 3

      Set the pots in the terrarium. Place the terrarium near a brightly lit window with full sun.

    • 4

      Connect the four fluorescent lights to the light fixture and plug it in. Place the fixture over the terrarium so it is approximately six inches taller than the basil pots.

    • 5

      Leave the lights on for 12 to 14 hours a day so the basil can get enough light.