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How to Germinate Cilantro

Cilantro refers to the leaves that grow on the coriander plant. The seeds of the plants are used to create a coriander spice. The cilantro plant appears hairless and produces white or pale pink flowers that grow in the shape of an umbrella. Instead of purchasing cilantro or coriander from the store, grow your own plants at home to harvest the fresh herb. The annual herb adds spice to a variety of dishes. Germinate the seeds in the spring or early fall because they grow best in the cool weather.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed-starting flat
  • Sterile soil
  • Gallon-sized flower pot
  • Compost
  • Nitrogen fertilizer


    • 1

      Sow cilantro seeds indoors in a seed-starting flat. Fill the flat with sterile soil and sow the seeds 1/2 inch deep. Place the flat in a sunny location.

    • 2

      Water the soil to dampen it. Place the cilantro seeds in a location with a temperature range between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The cilantro seeds will germinate within 10 days.

    • 3

      Allow the cilantro seedlings to reach 2 inches in height. Thin the seedlings so that they are spaced six to eight inches apart. Transplant them outdoors when the threat of frost passes or grow them in a gallon-sized pot.

    • 4

      Select a location for the cilantro seedlings that receives full sunlight. Mix in 2 inches of the compost to add nutrition.

    • 5

      Apply a nitrogen fertilizer to the cilantro after it grows for six weeks. Apply the nitrogen fertilizer according to the package instructions and feed the cilantro again six weeks later.

    • 6

      Water the soil with 1 inch of water a week to keep it moist.

    • 7

      Pinch the top of the plants when they are 2 inches tall. Pinching the top of the plants encourages the branches to grow more leaves.

    • 8

      Pinch the flowers off to add them to culinary dishes. Remove the dried seeds and grind them with a mortar and pestle to create coriander. Harvest the leaves when they are 6 inches long.