Home Garden

How Long Does it Take to Grow Parsley?

Parsley, a member of the celery and carrot family, has been widely grown since the Middle Ages. The Greeks feared the herb so much they retreated from a battle when Celtic rulers spread parsley over the backs of donkeys and sent them to meet the Greeks. The fear of parsley has faded and the herb is commonly grown by home gardeners.
  1. Growth Rate

    • Parsley is usually ready to harvest 70 to 90 days after the seeds have been planted. Planting young parsley plants instead of seeds decreases time to harvest by several weeks. Parsley seeds usually take between two and five weeks to germinate. Soaking parsley seeds for 24 hours in warm water also reduces the time it takes the seeds to germinate, explains Jill MacKenzie on the University of Minnesota Extension website.


    • After about 10 to 12 weeks, parsley stalks can be cut off as close to the ground as possible. Cutting the stalks in this manner encourages new plant growth. Although parsley is most flavorful when used fresh, it can be frozen or dried.