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How to Grow Cilantro in Planters

Cilantro features prominently in the cuisine of Southeast Asia and Latin America for its distinctive, slightly astringent flavor. Many gardeners grow cilantro in their herb gardens, but it is a notoriously finicky plant when it comes to temperature and will bolt, or go to seed, when it gets too hot. Growing cilantro in containers is one way to prolong the plant's active growing season since you can move the planter to a cooler spot when the days begin to get hot. Plus, it is easier to control the level of moisture in the soil and protect the plants from pests.

Things You'll Need

  • Ceramic planter
  • Potting soil
  • Compost
  • Spray bottle
  • Fine sand
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    • 1

      Prepare a planter suited to growing cilantro. Choose a bowl-shaped ceramic container with a broad, open mouth and a depth of at least 8 inches.

    • 2

      Fill the container with a mix of three parts potting soil and one part compost. Moisten the mix with a spray bottle so the top 1 inch feels moist when pressed.

    • 3

      Mix the cilantro seeds with fine sand to help better distribute them. Combine three parts cilantro seed with one part sand. Sprinkle the sand and seed mixture evenly over the surface of the soil.

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      Spread a scant layer of sand over the cilantro seeds to just barely cover them. Pat the soil firm with the flat part of your palm to anchor the seeds into the soil.

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      Spray the surface of the soil with water to settle the soil around the seeds. Do three or four spritzes to adequately moisten the soil.

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      Place the container where it will receive at least five hours of direct sunlight per day, or place it where it will be lightly shaded during the hottest part of the day, if you live in a very hot place such as Arizona.

    • 7

      Watch for germination beginning in seven days. Thin the seedlings to one every 2 square inches. Begin harvesting the leaves as soon as the plants grow to at least 4 inches in height.

    • 8

      Pinch off flower heads as they appear to extend the usefulness of the cilantro plants.