Home Garden

How to Care for Wild Grape Vines

It's always wonderful to move to a new place and discover wild fruits that may be growing on your property. If you find that you have access to wild grapes, with a little help, you'll be able to take care of them and see them grow to maturity.


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      Prune the grape vines heavily when you first find them. Prune so that only two canes are coming from the base of each plant. You should cut off 80 percent to 90 percent of the grape vine. This directs all the energy of the plant into creating new buds instead of caring for stems and leaves.

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      Shorten the remaining canes to about 10 buds each to ensure the best productivity per cane.

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      Loosely tie the canes to support wires or a nearby fence. You can even use a tomato trellis, which can easily be found at any gardening supply store.

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      Position your grape vines so that they receive the most sunlight possible when you are tying them to wire or a fence.