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How to Buy Grape Vines in Georgia

Growing a grape vine not only provides you with edible fruit but is an attractive landscaping element as well. Whether you are adding a grape vine to your yard, or planting an orchard, there are several key concepts to consider before making the purchase. Several varieties of grapes perform better in climate of southern states. Although Georgia is not usually known for its grapes, these varieties will actually grow very well there.


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      Wait until fall to purchase a grape vine, since this will allow you to place it into the ground immediately. Vines that are planted in summer often get stressed due to the heat and can die.

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      Look for a muscadine grape variety which is also called V. rotundifolia. These grapes thrive in the southern climates.

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      Decide whether you want a black grape variety or a bronze-skinned grape. According to the University of Georgia, the best varieties of black-skinned grapes for Georgia are Hunt, Cowart, Jumbo, Noble and Southland. For a lighter-skinned grape, choose Nesbitt, Higgins, Fry, Carlos, Summit or Dixieland.

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      Go to a garden center or order the vines from an online supplier. When purchasing, choose a bush-like vine for quicker grape production. You can also purchase a vine cutting that looks like a stick placed into soil. Cuttings are cheaper than larger vines but will take two to three years to produce fruit.