Home Garden

How to Grow Grapes and Vines on a Lattice

Climbing vines add color, shade and interest to your home and yard. Although most types will grow on any support that is available, whether it is a tree, wall or fence, sometimes it is helpful to train them to grow where you want them. Using lattice as a support for grapes and other vines allows you to exercise some control over where they grow, giving them shape and definition as part of your landscape.

Things You'll Need

  • Lattice
  • Plastic ties or string
  • Started vines or seeds
  • Pruning shears
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      Install the lattice in the desired location. Support the lattice with poles, a wall or another solid structure. Take into account the size and weight of the vine that will be using the lattice. Some kinds of vines can grow 30 or more feet high. Large vines and those with grapes will be very heavy, so be certain the lattice is solid.

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      Plant the small vine or grape plant at the bottom of the trellis. If your trellis will support more than one vine, space them evenly across the bottom. Seeds for annuals should be planted in the same locations that would be used if planting started vines.

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      Attach the growing plant to the trellis. You can attach the vine to both vertical and horizontal supports, thus training it to fill in the available space on the lattice. Twining and clinging vines will grab onto the lattice and continue to climb on it, but sprawling vines have no means of clinging to a support, so they will need to be tied in place frequently as they grow.

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      Trim off any parts of the vine that try to bridge the gap from the lattice to other plants or nearby structures. If the vine becomes too large for the lattice, add another section to offer additional support.

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      Train vines to cover the top of a lattice arch by gently bending them over the lattice and securing the vines in place. The vine will quickly adjust to growing in the new direction, and will fill in across the top of a grape arbor or garden archway.