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What to Feed Grape Vines

Whether used for wine making or as a fresh afternoon treat, grapes have been a part of human culture since ancient times. Whatever their use, grape vines allure many gardeners who plant them and eagerly await their colorful clusters of fruit in summer. Key to grape culture is proper fertilization.
  1. Culture

    • Grape vines grow best in full sun. Grapes are not very picky about soil, often thriving in poor soils. As exemplified by Italian vineyards planted on rocky, volcanic hillsides, grape vines require perfect drainage and will not grow where the soil is soggy. Grape vines don't require much water, having some drought-tolerance, but they should be irrigated during long periods of drought.


    • Correcting soil pH is the first step in fertilizing grape vines. The correct pH makes nutrients available in the soil for the plants roots. Grape prefers slightly acidic soil -- pH 5.0 to 6.0. Correct over-acidic soils by adding dolomite (a limestone product). Amend neutral and alkaline soils with iron sulphate or aluminum sulphate. Many local agricultural extension offices provide soil testing services for homeowners.


    • Look for a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10. Balanced fertilizers have equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K). When planting new vines, apply 8 ounces per vine seven days after planting. Add 1 pound per vine the second year and 1 1/2 pounds per vine thereafter. Fertilize established vines 30 days before new growth in the spring. Distribute the fertilizer a few feet beyond the trunk but never closer than 6 inches.


    • Water the ground right after applying fertilizer to distribute the nutrients in the soil. In addition to its other benefits, mulch keeps fertilizer from being washed away in spring and summer rains. Newly planted grape vines often bear fruit in the fourth season, with some fruiting occurring in the third. There are grapevines for every region and climate; consult your local agricultural extension office for specific recommendations.