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What Flowers Grow at the Base of a Hickory Tree?

Growing flowers under hickory (Carya spp.) trees presents challenges. These deciduous trees have dense canopies that block rainfall and sunlight, creating partially shaded sites with occasionally dry soil. Two species of hickory, the shagbark (C. ovata) and bitternut
(C. cordiformis) also produce low levels of juglone, a chemical that certain plants find toxic. For a thriving flower bed under a hickory tree, choose juglone-tolerant, shade-loving plants that thrive in dry soil.
  1. Annuals

    • Annuals only grow for one season, but many species bloom continuously for several months. Begonias (Begonia xargenteogutta) tolerate shade and juglone. These annuals grow from 1 to 4 feet tall and have dark, large foliage with silver markings. They bloom with pendulous rosy blossoms through the growing season. Impatiens (Impatiens wallerana) bloom from late spring through autumn with red, orange, white, pink and purple blooms. These annuals grow to 24 inches tall and prefer partial to full shade. They require regular irrigation.


    • Perennials come back year after year. Choose species that bloom at different times for season-long color. Smooth asters (Aster laevis) tolerate juglone and dry soil. These perennial wildflowers’ natural habitat is in wooded, shady sites. They grow from 2 to 4 feet tall and bloom in fall with purple-blue, yellow-centered flowers. Daylilies (Hemerocalis fulva) bloom in summer with showy, large orange flowers that only last for one day. These perennials grow from 3 to 6 feet tall and tolerate partial shade and a range of soils. For spring color, plant Jack-in-the pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum), a perennial wildflower that produces purple-green flowers with white stripes. It grows to 2 1/2 feet tall and prefers partially to fully shaded sites.


    • Several species of vines tolerate juglone and shade and can grow prostrate as ground covers. These include bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), a deciduous vine that grows to 25 feet long. Bittersweet produces clusters of white-green flowers, followed by orange-red fruits. It grows well in partial shade and tolerates a range of soils. Goldflame honeysuckle (Lonicera x heckrottii) grows to 13 feet long and produces aromatic yellow, purple and pink flowers from summer through autumn. This semi-evergreen climber tolerates drought and thrives in partial shade.

    Ground Covers

    • Juglone- and shade-tolerant groundcovers prevent weed growth and erosion beneath a hickory tree. Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) grows to 12 inches tall and forms a dense carpet of glossy, green foliage. This evergreen thrives in partial to full shade and well-drained soil. It blooms with spikes of white spring blossoms. Creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera) also thrives in shaded sites and tolerates juglone. This deciduous ground cover grows quickly to 12 inches tall and spreads using above-ground stems. It blooms in spring with white, pink and purple flowers.