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How to Kill Citrus Whitefly

The citrus whitefly (Dialeurodes citri Ashmead) is a major plant pest throughout most of the world. It was introduced to the United States from Asia. According to the Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International, the citrus whitefly attacks over 80 species of plants and is also a problem in commercial greenhouse crops. It damages plants by sucking the juice from the leaves and by being a vector for the development of sooty mold. Control is achieved through a diligent program of cultural and chemical treatments. Apply treatments in early spring before citrus whiteflies get out of control.

Things You'll Need

  • Neem oil
  • Sprayer
  • Protective clothing
  • Sticky traps
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      Mix neem oil according to label directions for whiteflies and fill the sprayer. Add 1 tsp. of dishwashing liquid per gallon of water to help the insecticide stick to the plant. Neem oil is an insecticide and fungicide, so no additional treatment for fungus is necessary.

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      Spray the mixture on the tops and bottoms of leaves. Be sure to cover the surfaces thoroughly. The spray must come in direct contact with the insects to kill them. Reapply the neem oil mixture every seven to 10 days for heavy infestations, until control is achieved.

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      Hang sticky traps from the limbs of the plants, or place sticky strips around the plants. This is to catch any flying insects that escape the spray and newly emerging winged whiteflies. Remove and replace the sticky traps regularly as they fill.