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Indian Corn Seed Planting Instructions

Once a staple crop of many Native American cultures, Indian corn is grown mainly as an ornamental plant in today's gardens. The multicolored seed heads come in shades of red, purple, blue and yellow, and they are often featured in harvest time or Thanksgiving decorations. At maturity, Indian corn stalks reach up to 10 feet in height with a relaxed spread, so they require a lot of space to reach their full potential. Like most corn varieties, Indian corn is very easy to plant and grow, provided the seeds are sown to the appropriate depth and given adequate water.

Things You'll Need

  • Rotary tiller or hand cultivator
  • Garden hose
  • Pointed hoe
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      Select a growing plot for the Indian corn. Make the plot large enough to provide 18 square inches for each plant. Orient the row in an east to west direction so the Indian corn plants receive full southerly sun exposure. Avoid planting the bed where it will receive shade.

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      Remove large stones from the site before working the soil. Work the plot to a depth of 12 to 14 inches using a rotary tiller or hand cultivator. Break up the soil so no large clumps remain.

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      Saturate the bed with water from a garden hose to settle the soil. Allow the bed to dry out for 30 minutes before forming the planting furrows.

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      Drag a pointed hoe along the bed to create a wide furrow. Make the furrow 2 inches deep.

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      Sow one Indian corn seed every 18 inches. Place the seeds along the furrow at equal intervals. Drag the mounded earth on both sides of the furrow onto the seeds to bury them. Tamp the soil slightly with the flat side of the pointed hoe.

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      Water the newly planted Indian corn seeds to a depth of 5 inches to settle them in. Water the seeds daily to maintain even moisture at a depth of 2 inches. Double watering during times of extreme heat.