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How to Pick Corn By Hand

Corn grows in many varieties, but all types are harvested using the same techniques. Before you can harvest corn, it needs careful inspection to ensure that it has reached maturity. Immature corn will taste bland and the kernels may not be as plump or soft. Harvest corn close to the time you plan to consume it. Once you harvest the corn ears, prepare them for a meal or preserve them to enjoy later.

Things You'll Need

  • Basket or bucket
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      Examine the corn ears 90 to 110 after the seeds sprout. Inspect the silk on the top of the corn ears. The silk will darken in color and feel dry to the touch.

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      Feel the ends of the corn ears. When the corn ends feel blunt instead of pointed, they are ready for harvest. If you cannot tell, you can test the kernels.

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      Test the corn for ripeness by pulling back the husk to expose the top kernels. Poke a plump kernel with your fingernail and look at the juice that runs from it. When the juice appears milky instead of clear, it's time to harvest the corn.

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      Grab onto the corn ear. Twist the ear downward to snap it from the stalk.

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      Place the corn ears into a basket or bucket. Place the corn ears in a single layer because stacking them does not allow the ears to breathe.

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      Prepare the corn ears using your desired cooking method. Refrigerate the corn if you cannot consume it immediately.