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How to Care for a Hobbit Jade Plant

Crassula portulaceae is nicknamed the hobbit jade plant or the gollum plant because the leaves of the plant look like hobbit fingers. It is a succulent plant, which means, like a cactus, it stores water in its roots. The hobbit jade is only hardy down to 20 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that it will not survive outdoors in most of the United States. When planted in regions with temperatures that dip below that, it must be potted.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat
  • Perlite
  • Pot (optional)
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Larger pot (optional)
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      Place the hobbit jade plant in full sun. If potted, make sure that your plant is in a well-drained potting solution of one part peat and one part perlite with drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. If you plant this succulent outdoors, find an area with well-drained soil and full sun.

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      Water the hobbit jade plant thoroughly during the growing season from early spring to late fall. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering. Do not let the plant sit in puddles of water as this will almost certainly cause root rot for the plant.

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      Fertilize once in the spring after growing begins. Use a fertilizer high in phosphorus, which is the second number in the analysis. For example, 15-30-15 means that that fertilizer contains 15 percent nitrogen, 30 percent phosphorus and 15 percent potassium, while the rest of the fertilizer contains other nutrients and fillers. Follow the directions on the package, diluting the fertilizer to half strength.

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      Decrease watering frequency in the winter. The main reason for failure of these plants is over-watering. At this time, water only enough to keep the leaves from shriveling.

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      Re-pot the hobbit jade plant in the spring when it starts to outgrow its pot. Make sure the potting medium is completely dry before re-potting. Plants in the ground do not need to be moved.