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About Adenium

Adenium, more commonly called Desert Rose, is a very hardy plant. The Adenium can be set outside in zones 9 and 10, but is more commonly kept as a patio plant which can be moved into the house during colder weather. The Adenium requires very little care and is good for those new to houseplant ownership because they can tolerate some neglect. There are several types of Adenium, which range greatly in size, all of which produce a beautiful bloom.
  1. Description

    • The Adenium is a succulent bush. It has a thick stem and fleshy branches. Foliage is oval shaped and ranges in size from two to seven inches, depending on plant maturity and foliage location. It is a flowering shrub that puts on two-inch blooms which, which when open, are trumpet-shaped. Color varies depending on variety, but blooms are traditionally shades of white, red and pink. Blooms are most plentiful in the summer months but can occur throughout the year if kept appropriately warm.


    • Adeniums are native to areas of both Africa and Arabia. They are commonly grown in outdoor beds in Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan, and it is in these areas that many of the domesticated varieties on the market were developed. The Adenium is a desert plant and commonly grows in areas where soil has a high sand content and the plant can receive full sun. Temperatures in these areas never fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • Desert Rose growth depends greatly on variety and pruning. The smallest varieties, when pruned, will stay at a height of 36 inches. When left to grow on its own, most Adeniums will be between six and an half and 10 feet tall, though the largest varieties have been known to reach 15 feet. Repotting in a larger container should be done every couple of years to ensure that the plant has enough soil to support its growth and to prevent the plant from becoming root bound. Heavy pruning should be done after a winter rest period and is best accomplished in March. New growth can be pruned, and the plant shaped during the active growth period in the spring and summer.


    • The Desert Rose can be propagated both by seed and by cuttings. A plant grown from seed will take over six months to reach maturity and bloom. Plants taken from cuttings mature more rapidly. Cuttings for Adenium propagation are taken in the same manner as a cutting taken for any other plant. However, the sap is poisonous, and so cuttings should be handled with care, and thorough hand and utensil washing should be observed. When taking a cutting, make sure to dry the cutting for several days before placing it in a sandy rooting medium.


    • The Adenium is poisonous and should be kept out of the reach of pets and children. In pets, the sap will only cause increased salivation and not serious complications. If leaves are ingested, the pet's mouth should be well rinsed to shorten the duration of the plant's effects. If a child ingests any portion of the plant, contact poison control immediately for care instructions.