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Ways to Care for House Cactus Plants

Cacti, among the easiest house plants to keep alive, provide an opportunity to challenge their owners to supply the conditions necessary to coax them to bloom. Keeping a cactus alive is far different from meeting its requirements for optimum health. Help your cactus thrive, and it will reward you with tiny blooms, evening blooms or fragrant blossoms, depending on the variety.
  1. Planted Cactus

    • Planted cacti require less frequent care than their potted cousins. Be sure your zone is appropriate for the variety of cactus you are planting. Check rainfall levels. While temperatures in warmer zones may be adequate, rainfall may be too abundant, causing cacti roots to rot, over time.

      Smaller cacti should be provided shade. Planting them under a tree or tall shrub will mimic their natural light provisions.

      Avoid planting cacti in low lying areas or where water tends to puddle. While cacti may require watering during droughts, water should never be allowed to sit at the base.

      During frequent rains, smaller cacti can be sheltered under a basket or other container.

      Avoid planting cacti near a south facing wall or any relective objects that will direct additional rays of sun on the plant. Too much sun can and will burn a cactus.

    Potted Cactus

    • Indoor cactus plants require more attention than outdoor native companions. Keep the pots small, with just enough room for their roots. Potting mediums specific for cactus provide the best drainage and support; however, you can mix the potting soil with equal parts sand for a good cacti potting mix.

      Water infrequently. Wait for the potting mix to dry before watering. It is better to err with less watering than to over water. Do not allow the water to puddle; watering from the bottom will prevent puddling.

      Indoor potted cacti require bright indirect light. Sunny south-facing windows provide the best light; alternately, fluorescent lighting can be used to supplement natural light, in less than ideal conditions.

      Potted plants can be taken outdoors during the summer in most zones. Watch rainfall levels and provide ample drainage in the pots. Transition the plant to the outdoors slowly over the course of a few weeks, by adding a few hours of outdoor time each day. Smaller plants do better in shady conditions rather than in intense summer sun.

      Cacti can be fed twice yearly with a cactus or houseplant food. Mix according to directions.

    Holiday Cactus

    • Some cacti, such as Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving Cacti, are tropical cacti. These plants require more care than their desert relatives. Keep these types of cacti in pots large enough to support their drooping stems. A pot three to four inches larger than their root base will suffice.

      These plants also require more frequent watering. As soon as the pots dry out, water them. If the stems start to wrinkle, more watering is required. Do not under water holiday cacti.

      Feed according to cactus food or houseplant food directions in the spring and fall.

      Holiday cacti require indirect light, and over warm summer months they enjoy outdoor sun in sheltered locations. Move the cactus into a shaded room in the fall to induce blooming.