Home Garden

How do I Get Rid of Scale and Mealybugs on Jade Plants?

Houseplants like jade may be infected by insect pests if you move the plant outdoors for the summer weather, if you purchase a new plant that was infected in the nursery or if pests enter your home through a window. Scale and mealybugs suck out plant sap, which may stunt your jade plant, cause leaf drop and weaken the plant. You can treat these two plant pests using chemical or natural control methods. You may have to apply several applications of a treatment to fully eradicate these insect pests.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid dish soap
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Washcloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton swap
  • Insecticide spray
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      Add 1/2 tsp. of liquid dish detergent to 1 qt. of lukewarm water, in a bucket.

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      Dip a washcloth in this soapy solution. Wring it out between your hands.

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      Wipe the leaves and stems of your jade plant with the soapy solution to dislodge both scale and mealy bugs. Wipe all parts of the jade that show insect pests.

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      Wait several days to determine whether the jade seems to be improving (if there are few to no bugs).

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      Dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol. Rub the jade leaves and stems with the alcohol swab. Use this method if you do not see any difference after the soapy solution.

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      Squirt all affected plant parts with an insecticide spray if you still see mealybugs and scale after the alcohol and soap solution treatments. Use insecticides that contain bifenthrin, permethrin, resmethrin or pyrethin to combat these two plant pests. Apply the insecticide as often as recommended by the manufacturer's dose range suggestions.