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Spots on an Orchid Cactus

The orchid cactus (Epiphyllum spp.) is a tropical cactus native to the South American rain forests. This plant lives on trees and enjoys damp soil, unlike desert cactus.
  1. Appearance

    • Orchid cactus plants can develop holes that appear sunken or indented into the plant flesh. They can also look like a hole in the stem. The spots are black or brown in color and can develop either on the leaf or on the stem.


    • Orchid cactus can develop the sunken spots if they're receiving too much fertilizer. Cut back on your fertilizing if this occurs. Brown or black spots can occur if the plant gets injured from the spines of other cactus. The main cause of these spots is environmental; if the plant is in an environment where the temperature changes rapidly from hot days to cool nights, it will get spots.


    • Keep your plant in a mild climate to prevent fungal disease and temperature-related damage. Avoid overwatering the soil; make sure it dries out before watering again. Give the plant good ventilation so the soil can dry. This should stop the spots from appearing.