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Planting Guides for Lifesaver Cactuses

Lifesaver cactus are succulent plants from Africa and Arabia. They are not related to the cactuses at all, but to the milkweeds. There are more than 60 species, and they are known as lifesavers because their rounded, flesh-colored flowers are said to resemble a lifesaver. Among the most common species in cultivation are Huernia insigniflora (previously H. confusa) and Huernia macrocarpa. Lifesaver cactus have short, succulent stems up to 5 inches long and form clumps.
  1. Growing Conditions

    • Lifesaver cactus are not frost hardy and require minimum winter temperatures of 50 degrees F. They thrive in bright light with some direct sunshine, but too much direct sun will result in red stems and reduced growth. Grow lifesaver cactus in a sunny spot but place them in the shade cast by other plants.


    • Lifesavers require free-draining soil that dries out quickly, such as a mixture of equal parts of potting soil and gravel, perlite or sharp sand. They have shallow roots and should be grown in shallow, clay pots or dishes to prevent any waterlogging of the soil.


    • Water lifesaver cactus every two weeks during the summer or when their soil is dry to a depth of 1 inch. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely as this will send your plants into dormancy. Reduce watering during the colder months of the year, aiming to keep the soil barely moist.


    • Lifesaver cactus do not need fertilizer but will grow faster and produce more flowers if fertilized during their growing and flowering season. Use a liquid fertilizer formulated for succulents. Do not apply fertilizer during the winter months.


    • Cut off a lifesaver cactus stem where it joins the parent plant. Dip the cut end into antifungal powder or powder of sulfur. Leave it to dry out for two days. Lay it on damp sand with any roots buried. Keep the sand damp until the cutting produces roots and then transplant. Lifesaver cactus can also be propagated from seed.