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How to Transplant an Agave Cactus From the Nursery

A warm and dry landscape is an ideal growing environment for an agave plant. These desert succulents become lush with thick, pointed leaves growing in a circular arrangement. After purchase, transplant an agave cactus from the nursery into a dry, sunny growing area. With the proper attention to its growing needs, your new agave plant should thrive and grow energetically for many years.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden spade
  • Compost
  • Shovel
  • Shade cloth (30 to 60 percent protection)
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      Prepare the planting area by cultivating the soil down to a depth of about 6 inches with the garden spade. Add about 1 inch of compost to the soil to improve drainage, if necessary, and mix the compost into the soil. Dig a hole for the plant that will enable you to plant it at the same depth as it is growing in the temporary container.

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      Find the south side of the agave plant by checking the temporary plastic growing container. Many nurseries will place an identifying mark on this side of the planting container to enable you to plant the agave with this side of the plant facing the hottest southern exposure. If the container does not have this mark, ask the nursery for planting advice or choose a different nursery that marks succulent plants.

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      Remove the agave plant from the temporary container, keeping track of the southern side of the plant as you remove it from the container. Transfer the plant to the prepared hole so the southern side of the plant faces south in the hole. Fill the hole with soil around the roots and tamp the soil down gently with your hands.

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      Drape the shade cloth over the top of the agave to shield it from intense sunlight while it acclimates to the new growing location. Keep the shade cloth on the plant until you see the plant begin growing, then remove it.