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Can You Take Cuttings From Blueberry Bushes?

Blueberries are often propagated from cuttings by nurserymen or home gardeners. Vegetative propagation ensures that new plants are identical to the old plants because you are essentially making a clone of the original plant. Cuttings eliminate a lot of the guesswork from raising replacement blueberry bushes. Blueberries can be started using two kinds of cuttings, softwood and hardwood.
  1. Softwood Cuttings

    • Softwood cuttings, as the name implies, are made from soft, new growth. The best time to harvest these cuttings is just as the shoot begins to mature. Test for readiness by bending a sacrificial shoot Another indicator of readiness is leaf size graduation. Newer leaves should still be small while older leaves are at or near maturity. Softwood cuttings should be taken from May to July.

    Hardwood Cuttings

    • Hardwood cuttings are taken from dormant plants. Choose only fully mature stems. The stem is ready to be harvested if it is firm and does not bend easily. Take hardwood cuttings in late fall, winter or in early spring. If a plant is notoriously difficult to root, use a mallet or heel cut. Both cuts are made using some old wood. A mallet cut is made at a 45-degree angle. The heel cut is a T-shaped cut that includes old wood across the base of the cutting.

    Preparing Cuttings

    • Trim the cutting so that any blooms are removed so the cutting will spend its energy putting out roots. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. Trim the cutting to no more than 6 inches in length with a sharp knife. Blueberries will normally root without using hormone treatments.

    Rooting Mediums

    • Several rooting mediums are used to root cuttings. Course sand can be used alone, or you can make a mixture of 1 part peat and 1 part sand. Water the medium until it is moist and keep it moist until the cuttings have set out roots. Bury the cutting at least one-third of its length in the medium and cover the pot with plastic to retain moisture. Place the container in bright indirect light.